
VDI-Workshop: Modelling and simulation

Modelling and Simulation

Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrid Wenzel, Universität Kassel

This workshop discusses the guideline activities of the professional committees FA 204 "Modelling and Simulation" and FA 205 "Digital Factory" within the technical division "Facility Planning and Business" of the VDI-Society "Production and Logistics". A survey presentation introduces into the topic and gives information about the current guideline activities of the two professional committees. In the following three talks selected guidelines are presented in detail.

Workshop: Emulation

Emulation: Case Studies in Virtual Ramp-Ups

Chairs: Dr. Sven Spieckermann, SimPlan AG, Maintal

A short introduction followed by three talks will provide some insight in current emulation projects. The presented cases stem from different industrial applications: automotive industry, steel production, and logistics. To get the workshop started, a brief survey on emulation is given. This is followed by a presentation on testing controls in the automotive industry. The second case study in the area steel production is very comprehensive in the sense that a virtual test environment for a complete control room has been implemented. The final fourth talk discusses the state-of-the-art in emulation of SAP logistics controls. The workshop addresses practitioners and researchers in the field of simulation, emulation, IT, production and logistics and is a follow-up event of similar workshops at the 11th conference in Berlin, the 12th conference in Kassel, and the 13th conference in Berlin.

Workshop: Terms and operating figures

Terms and operating figures

Chair: Gottfried Mayer, BMW Group, München

For the benchmark of simulation models and for the deduction of results and getting reference from them, it is necessary to use authentic characteristics. This workshop should give support for the choice of characteristics, terms and definitions. One further topic is the delineation of characteristics using ontology with the target of different notations and structures. Finally the workshop will show some case studies, first the collection of characteristics via production data acquisition, second the finding of terms and operating figures using simulation to define a lean production.

Workshop: Optimisation

Simulation-based Optimisation of Processes in Production and Logistics

Chair: Dr. Lothar März, LOM Innovation GmbH & Co. KG, Lindau am Bodensee

The application of the mathematical optimization in combination with simulation can help to reach better and also faster available solutions for the purposes of the setting of tasks. The application of the simulation-based optimization rescues high potential. Hence, a study group within the ASIM group Simulation in Production and Logistic was formed which deals with the approach, applications, efficiency and restrictions of the simulation-based optimization. Within the scope of the workshop the book „Simulation und Optimierung in Produktion und Logistik“ as well as case studies of successful couplings in the industrial practise are presented.