
Keynote 1: Philippe De Backer, Lödige Industries GmbH

Competitive Advantage Simulation - A Life Cycle Based Approach
Philippe De Backer,
Lödige Industries GmbH
debacker.jpg Source: © Lödige Industries GmbH

The impact from decisions, made during the product life cycle of complex projects, specially in the air cargo terminal domain, are hardly to estimate in the earlier phases. Such projects have strict restriction given by several entities, like the customer or the government, that have to be fulfilled. Simulation guided decision making helps to find a reasonable compromise between the given restrictions and the final supply chain within an air cargo terminal. This article gives an rough overview how to adapt the idea behind the simulation guided decision making and her benefits, based on simulation and visualization, into the air cargo terminal phase.

Keynote 2: Gottfried Mayer, BMW AG

Quo vadis material flow simulation – visions for the future from the view of the automotive industry
Gottfried Mayer,
Source: © Gottfried Mayer

This document depicts - from the automotive point of view - a vision, where the material flow simulation should evolve into in the future. After a short introduction it describes some challenges the automotive industry actually faces and wants to give an initial point for discussing the regarding responses.

Keynote 3: Dieter Spath, Fraunhofer IAO and IAT University of Stuttgart

Integral Digital Engineering
Fraunhofer IAO and IAT University of Stuttgart
Source: © Fraunhofer IAO

Industrial companies have to cope with increasing challenges arising from the need for flexibility and innovation in products and processes. This contribution gives an insight in elements of an integral Digital Engineering to support enterprises to address the resulting requirements. Therefore, after an introduction highlighting some of the challenges for and requirements on enterprises, the integrated engineering of products and the related production systems is addressed. Based on this, an introduction into the development of solutions, i.e. product-service-combinations is given, before the Centre for Virtual Engineering ZVE is introduced.