Award for Discrete-event Simulation


The Association Simulation in German speaking countries ("Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation im deutschsprachigen Raum", ASIM) calls for two outstanding final theses (Master, Bachelor or Diploma) and dissertation theses in the field of discrete-event simulation to be awarded at the ASIM dedicated conference „Simulation in Production and Logistics“ in September 2025 in Dresden(Germany).

For additional information how to apply, please, visit the German version of this website.

Winner 2023

The award has been dedicated in 2023 to Alexander Wuttke, Dortmund, for his master thesis on the topic

submitted and accepted at TU Dortmund University, Department IT in Production and Logistics.


Presentation of the award by the sponsors (© photo TU Ilmenau Dino Junski)

In 2023, the award had been donated by:

Winner 2021

The award has been dedicated in 2021 to Christina Gschwendtner, Söchtenau, for her master thesis on the topic

submitted and accepted at the TU München, Fachrichtung Maschinenwesen.



Presentation of the award by the sponsors

In 2021, the award had been donated by:


Winner 2019

The award has been dedicated in 2019 to Daniel Daude, B.Sc., Kassel, for hos bachelor thesis on the topic

submitted and accepted at the University of Kassel, Department Mechanical Engineering.


Dr. Sven Spieckermann, CEO of SimPlan AG Hanau as sponsor of the award; B.Sc. Daniel Daude, Universität Kassel, winner 2019; Louis T. Schijve, CEO of INCONTROL Simulation Software B.V. Utrecht as sponsor of the award; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrid Wenzel, Sprecherin der ASIM-Fachgruppe SPL; Prof. Dr. Christoph Laroque, Vorsitzender der Jury

During the award ceremony Mr. Daude was invited to present his outstanding thesis.

In 2019, the award had been donated by:



The jury consists of:

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Laroque, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (Chair)
  • Matthias Heinicke, Siemens Industry Software GmbH, Stuttgart
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Noche, Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Rose, Universität der Bundeswehr München
  • Louis Schijve, INCONTROL Simulation Software, Utrecht
  • Dr. Sven Spieckermann, SimPlan AG, Maintal.